Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh, you're a twit too?

Twitter. It's the social networking site that I'm sure you've heard of. A time waster of epic proportions used by celebrities, businesses, and the occasional 'normal' person, it never quite captured my attention in the same way that Facebook did. Still, supposedly it's the biggest thing in the world of 'microblogging', but I'm not sure if I'm sold on the idea. In my opinion, any opinion that can voiced in 140 characters or less lacks depth. Twitter has proved useful, particularly during the Black Saturday bushfires and the recent earthquakes/tsunamis in Japan, but really, how much of it is just mindless crap?

Surprisingly, Twitter has been able to serve a purpose. In February 2010, It was used by the CFA and local residents during the bushfires to provide up to date, useful information about the fires, potentially saving lives. During the earthquake in Japan in 2011, Twitter was used by people to connect with their families and friends, letting them know that they were still alive.

My issue with Twitter is the other users. Depending on the industry, industry experts could be people worth following on Twitter, but it’s the celebrity stalkers that annoy me.

Kourtney Kardashian: Do ants have dicks?

John Mayer: I need a pressure sensitive toilet seat that shuts off my wi-fi so I stop buying so many apps on the can. This is getting pricey.

P. Diddy: For all those just tuning in. I’m 6 and a half hrs in on a 36 hour tantric sex session. Welcome

Somehow, at some point in our history, these people became role models. If these Twits are what we are supposed to be aspiring to be, I give up now.

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